
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to deal with women with PMS

This has been a difficult post to write, because most of the time women dont even know ourselves how to deal with the dreaded PMS. But I will start with some background info you all ought to know, as it's a common misconception among most men exactly WHEN we have PMS. Newsflash! PMS, as the name says Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or premenstrual tension), before our period, NOT during! Read up on it guys!

What you see is an irrational, weepy, chocolate-bingeing, aggressive dragon woman who's completely unpredictable ready to mash your balls in a rusty kitchen grinder one second and reduced to an insecure and sobbing wreck the next.
We lash out one minute only to demand cuddles and tissues the next. Confusing stuff. U betcha.

Before we make jokes about the PMS monster-woman and feel all helpless, let's try to imagine just for a few minutes walking in our shoes.
So, now imagine you are a woman. Your tummy is bloated like a bongo-drum and your feet hurtfully swell up. You notice unflattering spots, your hair goes oily and hopeless just when your body is filling up with all sorts of mad hormones. You look good in nothing. In business meetings or just watching TV these hormones force out unwanted tears at any given time. And yes, you know you are acting irrational, you are embarrassed and hate it when it happens. But it's in the hands of the hormones, not you.
You get hot flashes and can't keep your liquor. 2 pints might make you legless where usually you can have 6. You get 100% more affected by the smallest criticism, and despite knowing that it's the PMS, if the partner says something "off" you get wounded (also result of PMS-driven hormones) to the core.
This will thus result in tears and or agression outbursts.
Then your partner makes jokes about this condition and/or makes snotty remarks before doing her best to avoid you. Sounds fun yet?
Just wait until your PMS turns into the actual period. By this time the hormones have mentaly "stabilized" and  despite cramps, continued bloating et al  you are somehow back to yourself.
You are dealing with all the joys of bleeding from your genitalia for up to a week whilst your partner (who's got it all wrong) is cranky for lack of sex, and the jokes, avoidance and snotty comments continue throughout.

Conclutions: Unless you think that sounds like a walk on the beach, and you would gladly swap this involuntary condition with us. SHOW SOME HEART.
- Be caring
- Be soft
- Buy chocolate
- Give us hugs
- Go easy on the "(eyes rolling) that time of the month huh"-comments

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keeping your girl happy is easier than you think!

All we need is a hug (I'm talking a min. 30 second EMBRACE here!..important distinction ) and a compliment a day. A compliment can not, I repeat not, be referred to housework and or anything practical.
Here are a few winners:
" You look gorgeous today!"
" You are the most wonderful woman I've ever met"
" I love you so much"
Now, gentlemen..does this sound too hard?
Remember what we have to put up with.
Next post.. drumroll.. I know you must be dying to know this.. How to deal with PMS

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What we don't want in bed

1: We do not appreciate socks left on. A no-brainier, but ask yourself if you ever end up keeping them on?
2: Do not expect head as "part of the deal" every single time. It is something we like to provide as an act of love and  affection/ horniness for you. It can't be dictated and taken for granted.
3: Dry sex is bad sex. If you struggle to get her wet enough with foreplay, simply get lube. Problem solved.
4: Avoid routine. It takes two to tango off course, but there is
5: We don't mind the lights on, but a soft and romantic light puts us in the mood and matters more to us than you guys. We hate neon-light as it makes us insecure about our bodies. Candles is a hit with all women!!
6: Don't copy things you have seen in porn without consulting us. This includes coming on us/in our face (all women who'd had cum come into their eyes knows it is practically blinding for hours)
7: We have the right to refuse anal sex!

Date Night

I know it's cheesy, but setting aside a fixed night as couple & romance time for just the two of you is bound to bring you closer, and make her feel safe in your commitment to the relationship and her.
Ideas of things to do
Dinner & Drinks
DVD & Snack night (let HER pick the movie and endure the american romantic rom-com's if you plan on getting some afterwards!)
Long walk followed by meal of choice (great between breakfast and lunch as outing. We will enjoy our meal more since the walking has "earned" us carte blanc on the menu)
Tickets to a show/concert
Bath, Massage & Sex night

The secret to a happy relationship

Number 1:
Give her a heartfelt nice compliment every single day. Trust me lads. This is the dog's bullocks.
It makes us feel special. We feel that you are in love with us, which is extremely important to every woman,
yet seems so hard for men to remember!
Newsflash: What you might think of as compliments, such as " Great meal, hun" or " (rolling off her) that was great, babes" are in fact NOT considered compliments. And even when we have lost weight.. do not go there.
Fool-proof compliments:
You look hot/ gorgeous/absolutely beautiful/stunning/sexy today baby!
You always smell so wonderful, I love your scent so much
I love that hairstyle on you/ your hair looks great (a must if she has made an extra effort!
You have so/such beautiful/perfect/gorgeous ....INSERT BODY-PART (please alternate. we have more than tits and ass!)
2: Give her a good embrace every day. We need a good bear-hug a day to feel safe, loved and happy. (avoid the very annoying sneaking up on us from behind whilst we are stressing in the kitchen preparing a dinner-party for 6!..or when we are doing the dishes.)
3: Ask us how our day was
4: Listen to how our day was
5: Learn the names of her friends and ask about them from time to time ( if you are in the unfortunate situation of having an innocent crush on one of her girl-friends, for god sake don't ask too much and only about her. We can smell the crush like hungry wolfs scent a sheep!)
6: Be patient with her family. Remember she did not choose them either.
7. Share your feelings occasionally. More will follow on this one, as it's unfortunately a mine field...

List of to do's on first dates (with women you really like)

1. Don't lie about your income/profession
2. Being polite to staff
3. Give her a compliment every 45-60 minutes
4. Pay the bill (if she insists then go dutch)
5. Ask her about her work
6. Listen when she answers about her work
7. Open the door for her
8. Give her your arm to hook up to rather than holding her hand
9. Don't forget the most important number 3 :)