This is what we hear: "Me me me, my important job, my incompetent boss, my fancy car, me, me , me I'm so smart, me me, I have a huge penis, me me me, more about my car, I'm clever and popular, me me.. did I make sure you think I'm a god in bed?, me fotball.. my car, I'm clever....................."
Often this has the very opposite effect on women. We are not impressed at all.
We want you to be interested in us.
At the end of many first (and last) dates I've thought to myself "this man still just know my name and where I work, but has not learned a single new thing about me this entire night".
Ironically and amusingly often by the end of the night the man will say something like "You know, I really like you" (implying let's get it on).. As if all that matters is them giving us the "stamp of approval" .. as if that seals the deal.. As if it's a given that we'll fall into their arms just because they are kind enough to let us... What we think of them is somehow completely forgotten somewhere in man-egoville...
Consider a 50/50 rule when on a first date. You should both get to speak about yourself.
This advice applies to women as well, off-course, as I know many women can yammer on only pausing for a sip of wine or a breath of air.. But, this is a blog for men so that's by the by.
Good idea: Open ended questions
Bad idea: Asking about her ex (Thats a topic for many dates later. And trust me, you don't want to go there, because she will go there for you before you know it and in more graphic detail that you would ever want to know.)
Bad idea: Bad-mouthing your own ex. Some men have sent shivers down my spine coming across as lunatic misogynist.. ( a little trash-talking is acceptable.. after all we want to think we are all you ever wanted in a woman). OR waving the torch you still carry for your ex in our faces.
Shave, shower and pick up the bill.
Oh, and don't forget your manners..
Good luck!