
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Men and video-games

For crying out loud! What's wrong with grown men? I'll tell you what's wrong. They refuse to grow up.
And compared to generations before, they can get away with it. That's how we now have men well into their
thirties sporting camouflage trousers, skateboarding to work drinking frikin milkshake!
Clubbing, carrying hideous man-bags the eternal teenage-man is just plain annoying.
Most women over 25 want a MAN. I repeat: a MAN. Not a overgrown version of the guy we dated in college.
And as tolerant as we can be when the much hated console games take over most of your spare time, we won't stand for it any more. Its loud. It's annoying. It's impossible to talk to you when your in the "zone", and you bring your dinner in front of the game instead of having a nice meal with us! Ai ai ai.
The amount of console games playing / obsessing needs to be controlled if you want to have any chance of keeping your lady happy. Unless she is equally enthusiastic, take it from me, we do not enjoy it!
We even get jealous of the game. I dumped a guy way back for this reason, so I should know.
Everything went out the wondow when the x-box arrived. Mealtime, sex, social life.. the lot.
All he wanted to do was play. And when he could hook up online and play with his mates weekly pub visits were also forgotten. Once I paraded naked in front of the tv suggesting a roll in the hay, where he lost some
special "point".. "God-damn it", he shouts, "Now look what you have done! You know I could have gotten a new life with that golden key". He sure did get a new life.